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Os reenvío un mail de BETH sobre la publicación en abierto de un volumen sobre la preservación de Colección en las Bibliotecas de teología por si fuera de interés


Un saludo cordial



Jaime López de Eguílaz Munsuri








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De: BETH EXCHANGE of Information (Bibliothèques Européennes de Théologie) <BETH@LS.KULEUVEN.BE> En nombre de Matina Curic
Enviado el: miércoles, 5 de junio de 2024 9:19
Asunto: "Preservation of Collections in Theological Libraries" - New Volume in ‘The Theological Librarian’s Handbook Series’


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of the fourth volume in the series The Theological Librarian's Handbook entitled Preservation of Collections in Theological Libraries


This book series is a multi-volume guide to the practice of theological librarianship intended for library staff who do not possess professional training in the field of library and information science and others who want to learn more about the profession.

Essays in Volume 4 include “An Ounce of Prevention: Basic Principles for Preserving Physical Collections” by Erin Mollenhauer; “Getting the Picture: Preserving Photograph Collections” by Amanda Maloney and Elena Bulat; “Keeping Your Cool: A Practical Guide to Climate Control” by Ezra Choe and Beth Farwell; “Size Doesn’t Matter: Advice for Small Theological Libraries” by Karl Stutzman; “Responding to a Mold Outbreak at the Catholic University of Toulouse” by Laura Monneau; “Assessing Risk to the Microfilm Collection at Harvard Divinity School” by Amanda Maloney and Elena Bulat; “Preserving Hungarian Unitarian Church Archives Through Digitization” by Lehel Molnár; “Preserving Hymnals Through Digitization at Gardner-Webb University” by Natalie Bishop and Mariah Hamby; and “Reliable Resources for Further Study and Reference” by Priscilla Anderson and Lauren Telepak.


The new volume is available as an open access PDF and EPUB under a CC-BY-NC license and as a print-on-demand volume through Amazon.


For more information about the published volume and the entire book series see here the official announcement by Atla Press. 

Whether you are new or already working for a long time in a theological library, small or big, I hope you will find in these articles a wealth of good advice, examples, and new ideas on how to preserve your physical collections.” Many thanks to all colleagues who contributed to the production of this volume, especially the editor Douglas L. Gragg. Thanks to all who submitted their proposals for the fifth volume of the handbook on the topic of library management. This volume is scheduled for publication in the Summer of 2025.

Stay tuned for the upcoming Call for Proposal for the sixth volume on library services. 

Please share the news about the publication of this volume in your local associations and networks, especially with colleagues you know are in need of continuing education in our field. This whole series is aimed to support them and offer them perspectives, advice, and best practices to build their collections and grow in their careers.


Best wishes

Matina Curic