
Para vuestra info, seminario sobre Directiva DD para organizaciones de la sociedad civil el próximo lunes 27/05 con traducción a castellano.

Enlaces para registrarse abajo…





Civil Society Webinar

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: one step forward on the road to corporate justice


A 90 mins webinar for civil society organisations working on corporate accountability around the world, presented by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice within the framework of the Global Initiative for Corporate Accountability. 


  • Webinar 1: Monday 27th May 17:00 CET
    Translation available into SPANISH


  • Webinar 2: Tuesday 28th May 9AM CET

    Translation available into FRENCH


This webinar will provide  

An analysis of the CSDDD for civil society around the world: wins and losses  

A sharing of lessons learnt from advocacy and campaigning for corporate liability and due diligence legislation 

Plenty of time for questions & answers 


Please contact us beforehand with any specific questions or needs you may have, we will do our best to accommodate them.  This webinar will also be recorded and available to be shared via secure link, but will not be made public.


Kind regards,


Christopher Patz (he/him) 
Policy Officer 
European Coalition for Corporate Justice | Avenue des Arts 7/8, 1210 Brussels 
www.corporatejustice.org | @ECCJorg 
Work: +32 (0)2 893-10-27 | Whatsapp only: +32 (0) 467 626 679 
