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De: Clean Clothes Campaign [mailto:info@cleanclothes.org]
Enviado el: martes, 14 de marzo de 2023 8:40
Para: Eva Kreisler
Asunto: PRESS ADVISORY 10 Years Later: Rana Plaza & the Legacy of the Accord - Press Conference 15 March


10 Years Later: Rana Plaza & the legacy of the Accord

Next month marks ten years since the Rana Plaza building collapse, the deadliest disaster in the history of manufacturing. 1,138 workers died in this preventable tragedy and more than 2,000 were injured. After widespread pressure from trade unions, investors, and labour rights advocates, dozens of apparel brands and retailers founded the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. Over the past decade, the Accord has made workplaces safer for 2.5 million garment workers in Bangladesh. After commitments made by brands to expand the binding agreement, now called the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry to other countries, 40 apparel companies have now signed the new Pakistan Accord. 

Press conference

Clean Clothes Campaign and Remake invite you to a press conference on Wednesday, 15 March 11 am EDT / 4 pm CET (conference link) to hear from: 

·         Joris Oldenziel, Executive Director, International Accord Foundation

·         Zehra Khan, General Secretary, Home-Based Women Workers’ Federation (HBWWF)

·         Michael Bride, Senior Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Global Affairs, PVH

·         Scott Nova, Executive Director, Worker Rights Consortium

·         Kalpona Akter, President, Bangladesh Garment & Industrial Workers’ Federation (BGIWF)

·         Moderated by Ayesha Barenblat, Remake

We will discuss the impact of the Accord in Bangladesh, ongoing challenges facing Bangladeshi garment workers, the roll-out of the Pakistan Accord, and efforts to bring additional brands into the programme. 

After the Ali Enterprises factory fire in Karachi claimed the lives of more than 260 workers in 2012, at least 135 workers have died in Pakistan’s textile and garment industry due to dangerous working conditions. ASOS, American Eagle Outfitters, and PVH (Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger) are among the initial signatories to the Pakistan Accord. Here’s what they’re saying:

“We support the continued extension of the Bangladesh Accord into new countries and are proud to be a signatory of the new Pakistan Accord, which gives us the assurances we need to explore sourcing opportunities in the country for the first time. Read more here.” - Adil Rehman, Head of Ethical Trade, ASOS

“AEO is dedicated to upholding global human rights, and we work closely with all of our factory partners to ensure they uphold a safe and healthy workplace for their employees. There has been great success through the Bangladesh Accord in strengthening safety at participating factories, and we look forward to seeing this success continue at the factories we work with in Pakistan." - Michelle Tarry, Vice President - Responsible Sourcing & Sustainability, American Eagle Outfitters

“In our focus to drive fashion forward for good, we see the Pakistan Accord as a critical step to promote safe workplaces and an opportunity to continue our efforts to advance human rights within our supply chain." - Rick Relinger, Chief Sustainability Officer at PVH Corp

Both the International Accord and the Pakistan Accord were created thanks to the struggle of workers, their unions, and the broader labour movement for safe workplaces. Ineke Zeldenrust, International Coordinator of the Clean Clothes Campaign, reflects on that: “The Accord has saved hundreds or even thousands of lives in Bangladesh in the past ten years by preventing factory incidents. We are delighted that, after waiting for a decade, workers in Pakistan will also finally be able to work in factories that are monitored by a credible safety programme and will be able to stand up for their own safety. We call on all brands sourcing from Pakistan to sign the Pakistan Accord and urge all brands that have failed to take responsibility for their workers in Bangladesh in the past ten years to rectify that immediately.” 

For further information

- Please join us on 15 March: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81437462673, no registration is necessary

- For more information about the situation of garment workers in Bangladesh since the Rana Plaza collapse and the option to speak to Bangladeshi union leaders ahead of the Rana Plaza anniversary, please consult Clean Clothes Ccampaign’s press kit and interview schedule

- For questions contact Christie Miedema: christie@cleanclothes.org.

- More information about several of the organisations convening and speaking:


Remake is a global advocacy organization fighting for fair pay and climate justice within the clothing industry. Remake’s Theory of Change is that paying living wages to garment workers reduces the human and environmental harms with which our clothes are made today. Higher wages would shift the industry’s focus from producing cheap and disposable products while reducing carbon emissions. Fashion needs radically different business models and new modes of thinking to address the environmental and social impacts of the practices behind this crisis. Remake exists to fill that gap by driving systematic change within the fashion industry through education, legislation campaigns, conversations, and initiatives.

Clean Clothes Campaign

Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), a witness signatory of the Accord, led the global campaign that resulted in brands signing the Accord and paying compensation to survivors and families affected by the Rana Plaza and Ali Enterprises disasters. CCC is an international network of over 230 NGOs and trade unions in over 45 countries dedicated to improving working conditions and empowering workers in the global garment and sportswear industries. CCC’s work is worker centered. CCC’s horizontal operational structure enables the network to identify local problems and objectives and transform them into global actions. It also allows for the identification of global problems quickly and effectively. Through its Urgent Appeals system, CCC offers direct solidarity support to workers fighting against specific worker rights violations. CCC also collaborates with workers to co-develop global campaigns to achieve systemic change like the payment of living wages and the eradication of gender-based violence in the workplace.

Worker Rights Consortium

The Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), a witness signatory of the Accord, had worked for years to press apparel brands to change their dangerous approach to fire and building safety in Bangladesh prior to the Rana Plaza collapse. The international attention following the catastrophe forced brands back to the bargaining table, and the WRC and allies convinced them to sign the historic Accord. The WRC works with Accord Steering Committee members to ensure the principles of the Accord are fully executed and inspections and renovations are completed. The WRC has investigators in twelve countries and works with hundreds of labor organizations around the world. As an independent monitoring organization, the WRC documents labor rights violations; identifies and exposes the practices of global brands and retailers that perpetuate abuses; protects the rights of garment workers; and works towards systemic change in the global apparel industry.

International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry

The International Accord began as the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh in 2013. The five-year agreement signed by brands and retailers, two global trade unions, IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union, and eight Bangladeshi trade unions in the aftermath of the April 2013 Rana Plaza building collapse, was created to advance workplace safety and address the prevalence of factory accidents in the textile and garment industry in Bangladesh. To maintain the achievements of the 2013 Accord, over 190 brands and retailers renewed their commitments by signing the 2018 Transition Accord with the global trade unions. The 2018 Transition Accord lasted three years and included a commitment to transition the implementation of Accord programs to a national tripartite organization governed by brands and retailers, trade unions, and manufacturing associations, now known as the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC). In 2021 the Accord signatories reached a new phase in their partnership and established the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, and, in December 2022, signatories agreed to establish a workplace safety programme in Pakistan. Within two months, 40 companies have signed the new Pakistan Accord.