… expo CRL announced ;-)


De: Clean Clothes Campaign [mailto:info@cleanclothes.org]
Enviado el: lunes, 19 de febrero de 2024 17:10
Para: Federacíon Setem
Asunto: CCC Updates #4 - Solidarity with Sumithra Hasalaka factory workers & Victoria's Secret disruptive action


CCC Updates #4 2024

19th of February

Dear friends,

CCC Updates are sent out (bi-weekly) on Mondays. Please continue to send anything you would like to share with the network to ccc-updates@cleanclothes.org.

Would you like to access our social media materials to promote our campaigns? We invite you to see our social media toolkit master doc or the current campaigns space on insite. 

If you have any highlights, news, top stories or updates that you'd like featured at the top of the CCC Updates for extra visibility, please send them to ccc-updates@cleanclothes.org.



The OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment & Footwear Sector kicks off today and will last from 19 to 23 February, in a hybrid way. Registration is free, but you are required to participate through this link. Please check this table to see the sessions where people from the CCC network are speaking or organising. For an overview of the different sessions relevant to the network, you can look at this table in view of topics and speakers.



D1: Freedom of Association and the Right to Bargain Collectively

D2: Employment Relationship and Social Protection

D3: Living Wages


D4: Worker Safety and Health

D5: Just Transition


D6: Legislation, Regulation and Binding Mechanisms for Corporate Accountability

D7: Building the Network Leverage and Power


Reading & Audiovisual Material


This is an internal newsletter of the CCC network. Its aim is to inform you of activities coming up and things going on in the network. The information in CCC Updates is internal and provisional and may be subject to change. This newsletter is additional to the quarterly newsletter Threads, which is the face of the CCC toward our network and our friends and allies. Subscribe to receive Threads.

To receive press releases from the Clean Clothes Campaign International Office, please email your name, organisation and contact details to press@cleanclothes.org with the words “Add to Press List” in the subject line.

Follow CCC on social media. Check what we post on facebooktwitterinstagram and LinkedIn!