
Comparto esta info de un webinar que parece super interesante, ligado al seminario que fuimos de litigio estratégico, por si alguien quiere apuntarse. Yo no podré, ese día justo es festivo por San Juan aquí, no sé si en toda España?

-------- Missatge Original --------

Assumpte: FW: Join our free webinar about The Counter! 💻
Data: 2024-06-06 09:09
Remitent: Aintzane Márquez <a.marquez@somo.nl>
Destinatari: <Litigioestratgico@Oxfamunited.onmicrosoft.com>

Buenos días!


SOMO está organizando un webinario para las organizaciones que estén interesadas en cómo usar The Counter. Ver información más abajo.


De momento es en inglés pero habrá otros en el futuro en otros idiomas. The Counter es un servicio gratuito para quienes necesitan información sobre empresas (información corporativa, sobre la cadena de suministro, inversores, accionistas, etc.).


Espero que sea de vuestro interés.




Aintzane Márquez

Researcher on strategic litigation

[Working days: Mon - Thu ]


KNSM-laan 17

1019 LA  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

T: +34 637296276

E: a.marquez@somo.nl
LinkedIN: @SOMO / @aintzanemarquez

Twitter: @SOMO / @aintzanemarquez



From: SOMO <info@somo.nl>
Sent: miércoles, 5 de junio de 2024 17:05
To: employees@somo.nl
Subject: Join our free webinar about The Counter!


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Do you want to investigate a company causing social and environmental harm?

Join our free webinar to learn about our pro bono research service and ask your questions directly to our team.

During the webinar, we will discuss:

  • Why corporate research could be relevant for casework;
  • How we conduct our research and details on the databases we use;
  • Ideas on how corporate information could be used for advocacy, with examples of research we have performed and how our findings have been used;
  • How to access and use The Counter to send your research requests.

The Counter webinar will last one hour and take place on Zoom. Prior registration is mandatory. Please follow the link below to register.

Register now!





Who's fueling the flames in Gaza?

In this crucial report, we examine some of the corporate and state actors involved in supplying jet fuel to the Israeli military, and consider the legal implications of their involvement.

Learn more


Overconsumption of transition minerals will cost us the earth

The rich world is on a global scramble for the minerals that are crucial to ensuring our planet remains liveable.

But at the moment, wealthy countries already use six times more natural resources per capita than low-income ones.

Learn more




What else have we been up to recently?

- Chip manufacturer ASML is one of the most profitable companies in the Netherlands. And yet, the Dutch state wants to pamper it with tax breaks, David Ollivier de Leth found. 

- The EU is finally leaving the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty! The last step is taken to leave this major hurdle to achieving the Paris climate goals.

- It's been an absolute rollercoaster ride, but the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive is finally law! Despite last-minute deal-breaking and political shenanigans, a qualified majority of the European Council voted in favor of the CSDDD last week.




Centre for Research on
Multinational Corporations
KNSM-Laan 17
1019 LA Amsterdam


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