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Aquí artículo del coordinador de incidencia política de la CCC:


Abajo estudio del Danish Institute for HR sobre marcos regulatorios  DD


De: Amaya Acero []
Enviado el: miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2024 12:53

Asunto: [PER Plenaruo- Información] DIHR análisis de la CSDDD y normas relacionadas


Buenos días:


Os comparto en el mail de abajo la publicación que ha actualizado el Danish Institute for Human Rights sobre las diversas iniciativas normativas de la UE en relación con empresas y derechos humanos que ya están en vigor o en desarrollo  y cómo encajan las diversas piezas  del puzzle.

Tienen un cuadro resumen muy interesante y claro e incluyen también cómo se alinean con los marcos internacional.


Espero que os sea de utilidad, un saludo



---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Gabrielle Holly via wg-mHRDD <>
Date: mié, 1 may 2024 a las 13:36
Subject: Re: [wg-mHRDD] DIHR analysis of the CSDDD - Maximising impact thorugh transposition and implementation
To: <>, <>, <>
Cc: Elin Wrzoncki <>, Signe Andreasen Lysgaard <>, Mathilde Dicalou <>


Dear all,


With apologies for cross posting.


On the back of the recent good outcomes in Parliament on the CSDDD and Forced Labour Ban, we are pleased to finally share the updated version of our publication: How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights, which maps the different EU policy and regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights, and explains:

  • what they are and what stage of the legislative process they are at;
  • how they align with international frameworks like the UNGPs; and
  • how they interact with the other EU initiatives.


We hope you find it useful, and as always welcome your thoughts.



Kind regards,






Publication summary:


The CSDDD creates an obligation for large companies to undertake risk-based due diligence to identify, assess, address and remedy potential and actual adverse impacts on human rights and the environment in connection with a company’s activities and broader business operations. It is hoped that this development will catalyse action from business needed to address key human rights and environmental challenges we face globally and serve as an international benchmark for responsible business conduct. However, this will only succeed if: companies engage meaningfully with the process of due diligence, in line with the expectations of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs); and if it is situated within a wider policy environment which creates enabling conditions for its effectiveness.


This new publication from the Danish Institute for Human Rights:


  • summarises the key elements of the CSDDD;
  • considers what is needed to ensure effective transposition and implementation of the CSDDD; and
  • offers final recommendations for what is needed to create a coherent policy and regulatory environment in line with the expectations of the UNGPs.


Kind regards,

Gabrielle Holly
Chief Adviser 
| Human Rights and Business
+45 91325733 

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Gabrielle Holly et al Due Diligence in the Downstream Value Chain: Case Studies of Current Company Practice DIHR (February 2023)
Gabrielle Holly and Signe Andreasen Lygaard Legislating for impact: analysis of the proposed EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive DIHR (March 2022)
Gabrielle Holly et al “How do the pieces fit in the puzzle? Making sense of EU regulatory initiatives related to business and human rights” DIHR (January 2022)
Lise Smit, Gabrielle Holly et al “Human Rights Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains: Evidence of Corporate Practice to Inform a Legal Standard” 25(6) International Journal of Human Rights 945-973 (2021)
Gabrielle Holly, “Transnational Tort and Access to Remedy Under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Kamasaee v Commonwealth” 19(1) Melbourne Journal of International Law 52-83 (2018) (Awarded the 2018 Melbourne Journal of International Law Prize for Outstanding Scholarship in International Law)