Gracias Eva, 
Por mi adelante con la idea, muy en acuerdo. He podido leer los Términos de referencia del WIG y me alegro que desde las entidades de la CCC haya sensibilidad por el tema y se intente en el ámbito de actuación de la CCC hacer algo en relación a la Solidaridad con Palestina.
Veo tb que es ambicioso en sus objetivos, pero también veo que hay un grupo de participantes de diferentes organizaciones , lo suficientemente numeroso para poder tirar para adelante parece el liderazgo de LBL ( UK) garantiza que se podrá hacer cosas.
En relación al tema de marcas de ropa vinculadas con Israel, desde diferentes colectivos de Navarra, se ha divulgado listados de marcas a las que hacer boikot, etc. que quizá les pueda interesar esta información. Yo estoy en un grupo diversos colectivos agrupados en "Gerrarik Ez"  (No a las guerras) no muy activo, pero puedo hacer de cadena de trasmisión de info, de ambos lados, etc.  si hace falta.
Veo que este grupo enviará información a través de la Newletter interna de la CCC así que imagino que ya nos iremos enterando y si hay otro tipo de comunicaciones del grupo relevantes, Eva ya nos lo comentarás.
Se puede hacer divulgación del posicionamiento público sobre Palestina que están trabajando.
Vamos viendo como va la cosa.
!Paremos este genocidio!!

José Luis Mariñelarena Oiz

SETEM Navarra/Nafarroa
Mercaderes 20, 31001 Pamplona/Iruña
Tfno: 948 275720 / 680387873

Día Mundial del Comercio Justo

Bidezko Merkataritzaren Munduko Eguna

Maitzak 11 Mayo. 

17-20 h. Paseo Sarasate Pamplona/Iruña

El 2024-05-08 10:24, Eva Kreisler escribió:

Hola José Luis,


Lo he subido a next cloud para facilitar:


Gracias a ti por tu respuesta,





De: José Luis Mariñelarena []
Enviado el: martes, 7 de mayo de 2024 19:48
Para: Eva Kreisler
Asunto: Re: [Equipocrl-setem] Consulta a la red CCC: Palestine Solidarity WIG: Decision-making in the CCC Network



Hola Eva,

Entiendo que no hace falta acceder a los Términos de Referencia para dar la opinión! para acceder al documento hace falta usuario y contraseña de la CCC, creo no tengo...aunque igual has compartido alguna vez.



José Luis Mariñelarena Oiz

SETEM Navarra/Nafarroa
Mercaderes 20, 31001 Pamplona/Iruña
Tfno: 948 275720 / 680387873

Día Mundial del Comercio Justo

Bidezko Merkataritzaren Munduko Eguna

Maitzak 11 Mayo. 

17-20 h. Paseo Sarasate Pamplona/Iruña


El 2024-05-07 12:58, Eva Kreisler escribió:

Hola equipo,


Leed el email copiado debajo del mío por favor. Lo envío para vuestra info y para que saquemos un momento para comentarlo bien en la reunión del jueves, bien por email.


Personalmente no veo motivos para estar en desacuerdo.


Hay que responder antes del 12 Mayo.


(Responderé como CRL tras consulta con vosotr@s)


Buena semana y gracias!



De: [] En nombre de Tibbe Smith Larsen (via euros Mailing List)
Enviado el: jueves, 2 de mayo de 2024 17:50
Para: Euros
Asunto: [euros] Palestine Solidarity WIG: Decision-making in the CCC Network




You are receiving this mail as Regional Coordinator or as CCC primary contact for your organisation, so please share with your Coalition or relevant colleagues. This information is internal for CCC and may not be shared with people outside the network.




Dear Euros,

The recent discussion around the establishment of a Palestine Solidarity WIG presents a good opportunity to look at our Network consultation process for decision-making. The Strategy Board has approved the WIG's conception, and the next steps took place last week to discuss its mandate, scope, priorities and activities. To finalise the creation of the WIG, the next step is for the Network to agree to the proposed purpose, scope and mandate.

Please read the Terms of Reference, specifically focusing on the purpose, scope and mandate only.

Herewith the link to the Palestinian trade union call (in 2023), which is referred to in the purpose within the Terms of Reference.

Please note that this document is an internal document to the CCC network, not a public statement.

CCC's decision-making principles are based on respect, solidarity, and equality. It is a democratic, transparent, and inclusive process that encourages the active involvement of all entities. In the the European Coalition, this decision making happens in the national coalitions, when there is one, and therefore, is facilitated by the national coordinating body.

For more information about decision-making, please see this page of the CCC Model. 

For the set up of the Palestine Solidarity WIG, a formal decision-making process is necessary and requires a consultation of the global Network.

All Members, Partners and Associates are involved in decision-making. In our consensus decision-making process, entities may express varying degrees of support or dissent towards a proposal. To articulate these positions effectively, we use the following terminology:

         Agree: This indicates full support for the proposal and readiness to proceed with it. 

         Block: A block denotes a firm objection raised by the entity against the proposal, indicating an inability to support it. A block can impede the adoption of a decision until the concerns of the blocking entity are addressed or a mutually agreeable alternative is reached. The entity is required to propose revisions to facilitate consensus. Only Members are allowed to use a block in decision-making. A decision can be blocked if: 

o    The decision will harm the organisation; how is it determined that the organisation will be harmed?

o    The proposal, or parts thereof, is/are illegal.

o    The block has to be directly linked to the proposal and cannot be based on another concern.

o    The block has to be based on verifiable information rather than being a speculative objection about 'what might happen'.

o    The block can be based on a deeply felt principle regarding (certain aspects of) the issue at hand.

         Stand aside: Indicates reservations about the proposal without outright opposition. The entity is willing to allow the decision to proceed despite concerns, either because it deems the decision acceptable though imperfect or lacks strong opposition. 

We invite all entities to read the Terms of Reference, and indicate by email whether your organisation agrees, blocks, or stands aside on this new WIG's purpose, scope and mandate. If your organisation wants to block, an alternative proposal must be included. If we do not receive a response, we consider that your organisation agrees.

Please inform the Network Team at the International Office: of your decision by Sunday, 12 May 2024, 12:00 pm (CET).

Best regards,
Tanne on behalf of the Network team of the International Office




This mail has been sent to the Regional Coordinators and Associates and Partners at global level.




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