

Al hilo de las preguntas planteadas sobre el Acuerdo Internacional en la última reunión de equipo CRL…


os reenvío este correo que contiene enlaces para profundizar y que tiene que ver con una reunión de los signatarios del Acuerdo que tuvo lugar en Ámsterdam entorno al aniversario del Rana Plaza



De: accord-list-request@cleanclothes.org [mailto:accord-list-request@cleanclothes.org] En nombre de Ineke Zeldenrust
Enviado el: martes, 14 de mayo de 2024 9:20
Para: accord-list@cleanclothes.org
Asunto: [accord-list] Fwd: Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting (25-26 April 2024)




-------- Forwarded Message --------

From: International Accord <signatories@internationalaccord.org>

Reply-To: International Accord <signatories@internationalaccord.org>

To: ineke@cleanclothes.org

Subject: Recap: Accord All Signatory Meeting (25-26 April 2024)

Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 12:33:58 +0000


Dear Signatory,

The International Accord Secretariat extends its gratitude for your participation in the All Signatory Meeting held on 25 and 26 April 2024, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. For those who could not attend the meeting and would like more information about the discussions, we invite you to explore the resources below.

The purpose of this meeting was to update participants on the key developments and operations of the International Accord and its Country-Specific Safety Programs (CSSPs) in Bangladesh and Pakistan.


·         Over 130 attendees participated in the meeting, representing a diverse range of stakeholders, including the Accord’s brand, trade union, and NGO signatories, as well as the RMG Sustainability Council (RSC), the manufacturing industries of Pakistan and Bangladesh, the International Apparel Federation (IAF), the Pakistan Embassy of the Netherlands, OECD, and GIZ.

The first day featured updates on the International Accord and the Bangladesh Safety Agreement:

  • The session on the Accord’s Signatory Monitoring Report encouraged brands to share their perspectives and insights on the steps they take to fulfill their obligations on financing remediation and the Accord’s workplace programs.
  • The RSC shared a comprehensive presentation on the remediation progress in Bangladesh, highlighting key developments such as the expansion of the complaints mechanism and the envisioned environmental program.
  • During her keynote speech, Dorothy Lovell (Sector Lead – Garment & Footwear, OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct) emphasised the importance of the Accord for brands to fulfill their supply chain responsibility under existing and upcoming human rights due diligence guidance legislation, such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct and Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive of the EU (CSDDD). Read the full recap of day 1 here.

The second day featured updates on the Pakistan Accord:

  • The event was attended by over 30 suppliers to Accord brands from the Pakistani textile and garment industry. Suppliers were invited to share their reflections, voice their concerns, and ask questions on how the Accord and its signatories can meaningfully engage with the Pakistani industry moving forward.
  • Open and dynamic discussions saw multiple contributions by suppliers who highlighted the importance of clear guidance on financing safety remediation, prioritising transparency, and communication, facilitating technical capacity-building, and addressing challenges for medium and small-sized manufacturers to meet Accord requirements. Read the full recap of day 2 here.


  • View the slide deckincluding the results from the Mentimeter poll from the Signatory Monitoring Report session conducted on day one. Kindly note that the Secretariat will analyse and share the aggregated results from the Mentimeter poll along with the associated next steps with all signatories in the coming weeks.
  • Read the Signatory Monitoring Report presented on the first day of the meeting, which explains how the Accord/RSC provides the means for signatory companies to conduct due diligence in relation to occupational safety and health and recommended areas of action for signatories to further fulfill their responsibilities under the Accord. 
  • View the photo album from day two that can be used by signatories to communicate about their participation in the event. We request that you please attribute the photos to Ariela Slakhorst where possible.   
  • Read the social media recap on the Accord's Linkedin page.

Thank you for your participation during the event and we look forward to continuing these discussions with you in the coming weeks.
In case of any questions about the All Signatory Meeting, please reach out to clara.kamphorst@internationalaccord.org. For questions about any of the resources above, please contact mini.dixit@internationalaccord.org.
Best regards,

The International Accord Secretariat





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