Hola equipo,

Os envío respuesta de Willemijn de la CCC holandesa (ha substituido a Wyger, anterior interlocutor para este tema) y me manda los materiales que podríamos usar para crear la nueva expo.

Materiales que nos ceden:

1. Textos. Solo se puede usar el texto no el diseño. Va adjunto los pdf, pero ya están subidos en la web, carpeta TEXTOS DISPONIBLES dentro de la carpeta EXPO DE HOLANDA

2- Videos. están subidos a la carpeta los videos disponibles. Pero enviarán con mayor calidad. En el correo abajo está tb link de descarga. Solo se pueden usar imágenes de Bangladesh en la expo no para divlgación, etc. por cuestiones de seguridad.

Link carpeta EXPO DE HOLANDA con los materiales:https://nextcloud.pangea.org/index.php/f/6945984

Tenemos pendiente tb ver la propuesta y darle respuesta a Fashion Revolution euskadi

José Luis Mariñelarena Oiz

SETEM Navarra/Nafarroa
Mercaderes 20, 31001 Pamplona/Iruña
T + 34 948 275720 / 680387873


-------- Mensaje Original --------

Asunto: Exhibition materials SKC
Fecha: 2023-04-06 16:28
De: willemijn@schonekleren.nl
Destinatario: José Luis Mariñelarena <comunicacioncrlnafarroa@setem.org>
Cc: Carson <carson@schonekleren.nl>

Hola José,
How are you?
Wyger has now stopped working for SKC, I´m taking over this project again.
I would like to let you know that we checked and that it is OK for you to use the texts and videoĊ› for the exhibition in Spain. Please find attached the final versions of the English-language texts (please only use the text, not the design- we signed a contract with the graphic designer).
The videos, with subtitles in English can be downloaded here (until April 18). The filmmaker will still send us 'clean' versions of the videos plus files that have English subtitles and time codes, that can help with creating Catalan/Castilian/Basque subtitles. So the versions that you can download now are just there to show the videos to you and your colleagues. Note that we selected five garments from Indonesia &Bangladesh. They each have an introduction, and in the following video's these workers (or 'makers' as we call them, 'garment makers') talk about the themes of Living wages, freedom of association/trade unions, safety, gender issues.
Important to note: If you want to use stills from the videos as promotional photos (e.g. in social medai), then you can only use the Indonesian workers for this. Because of safety reasons: do not use the Bangladeshi workers videos or footage or photos on social media or outreach to traditional media or on other promotional materials - in other words: as far as the Bangladeshi workers are concerned you can only use their videos in the exhibition.
We hope that this will help you to create a great exhibition,
Let me know if you have any questions!
All the best,
Willemijn Rooijmans

Schone Kleren Campagne
Coördinator living wage & educatie
Werkdagen: Ma, di, woe, do
Telefoon: +31681181340


'Good clothes, fair pay': We hebben één miljoen handtekeningen nodig
Teken de petitie!