Buenos días,


Por si no tod@s lo recibís, os reenvío actualizaciones internas de la red global CCC (abajo)


Destaco 3 temas:


Plan Operativo Anual CCC 2024:

Tuvo lugar vía webinar el 7 de Diciembre (email que envié en Noviembre). Finalmente se grabó.

Es un enlace interno con contraseña que copio aquí: https://nextcloud.pangea.org/index.php/s/Laa24AF2tR9rPjk

@Roberta, confírmame cuando puedas que no tienes problemas para acceder.


Moda aérea:

Public Eye ha publicado otro artículo sobre el uso del transporte aéreo poniendo el foco ahora en otras marcas (H&M, Primark, Bestseller, Fast Retailing, Lululemon, Nike, Adidas, Puma, Victoria’s Secret, Calzedonia) y la divulgación de información al respecto de estas. https://www.publiceye.ch/en/news/detail/following-in-zaras-slipstream-the-airborne-fashion-of-other-brands


Legislación UE:

El lunes pasado publicamos esta nota en la web como seguimiento del anuncio del acuerdo entre el Consejo de la UE y el Parlamento Europeo. También recogido en esta última actualización de la CCC



Hay muchos enlaces a temas interesantes, si hay alguno que os interese más y no pudieseis acceder, decídmelo please.


Buen día,



De: Clean Clothes Campaign [mailto:info@cleanclothes.org]
Enviado el: lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023 17:05
Para: Federacíon Setem
Asunto: CCC Updates #25 - Message from our Board & Season's Greetings


CCC Updates #25 2023

18th of December

Dear friends,

CCC Updates are sent out (bi-weekly) on Mondays. Please continue to send anything you would like to share with the network to ccc-updates@cleanclothes.org.

Would you like to access our social media materials to promote our campaigns? We invite you to see our social media toolkit master doc or the current campaigns space on insite. 

If you have any highlights, news, top stories or updates that you'd like featured at the top of the CCC Updates for extra visibility, please send them to ccc-updates@cleanclothes.org.


Happy Holidays!

Thank you for your tireless dedication to our Network and to the empowerment of workers. Your efforts have made a real impact, creating positive change and amplifying the voices of those we serve. We acknowledge and appreciate your hard work and collaboration as the year comes to an end. Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with continued success. Thank you for being an integral part of our network.

Message from our Board regarding Palestine

On November 6th an invitation was shared via the CCC Updates for entities to sign a statement in solidarity of garment workers in Palestine. Strong concerns were raised by CCC Germany related to the wording of the statement and the risks and potential negative repercussions for the CCC German National Coalition and its members, that could be the result of CCC global network engagement with the statement. Following this, in its meeting of December 7th, the Strategy Board discussed the matter and discussed how we might or could not go forward as a CCC Global Network. Please find more detailed explanations and the outcome of this discussion here.

Labour behind the Label also offered to organize an online meeting for CCC members to discuss the actions and commitments outlined in the statement and how our respective organisations can fulfil them. Until the Network consultation process conducted by the Strategy Board is completed this will be at individual level, and with a request to bear in mind the associated risks that public involvement from entities or Coordinating Bodies with “Clean Clothes Campaign” in their name may bring to the German CCC. The meeting will be online, on December 21st, Thursday, 11am UK time. For more information and to participate contact Alena alena@labourbehindthelabel.org or Maya maya@labourbehindthelabel.org

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence highlights



D1: Freedom of Association and the Right to Bargain Collectively


D2: Employment Relationship and Social Protection

D3: Living Wages

·         FEMNET and ECCHR - in collaboration with NTUF and HBWWF - published a new report on the non-payment of wages in the Pakistani garment industry. Titled "No contracts, no rights: how the fashion industry avoids paying minimum wages in Pakistan", the report shows that out of the 350 workers surveyed, none of them received a living wage, 97% did not have a written employment contract, and 80% did not receive a pay slip. It also highlights the obligations of companies on issues of living wages under the German supply chain law while noting that companies seem to make increasing efforts to address labour rights violations. The report is available here and the press release (in German) is available here.

 D4: Worker Safety and Health

D5: Just Transition

D6: Legislation, Regulation and Binding Mechanisms for Corporate Accountability

D7: Building the Network Leverage and Power


Urgent Appeals


Reported Incidents


Reading & Audiovisual Material


This is an internal newsletter of the CCC network. Its aim is to inform you of activities coming up and things going on in the network. The information in CCC Updates is internal and provisional and may be subject to change. This newsletter is additional to the quarterly newsletter Threads, which is the face of the CCC toward our network and our friends and allies. Subscribe to receive Threads.

To receive press releases from the Clean Clothes Campaign International Office, please email your name, organisation and contact details to press@cleanclothes.org with the words “Add to Press List” in the subject line.

Follow CCC on social media. Check what we post on facebooktwitterinstagram and LinkedIn!