Hola equipo,


Me temo que los cambios en el texto de la petición online en castellano no avanzan de la manera deseada. Abajo el último correo recibido :-/

Como veréis, lo del widget, nada.

En mi correo pedía también a la desesperada que por lo menos cambien el título que es lo primero que ve la gente…


Hi Eva, 

She sent it on, and I presume they will make corrections. 

After having lived in at the US-Mexican border during my sabbatical, I am wondering wheter les trabajadores is not meant as a way to indicate gender inclusivity? In the US and Mexico this this is not uncommon. If that is not common in Spain and people rather choose the female form to describe all, I can imagine it looks really weird. 

There is no widget unfortunately. You can of course still put the petition text on your website and then just a button that says "Sign" leading to the petition. The chances that people will read the petition again so they will primarily just sign. Or you can even lead them to the English petition. 

They might still be making changes, but as les trabajadores is a very political thing, they might not. 

I am sorry I can't do more. 
