Os copio mensaje que ha compartido la PER sobre la postura del gobierno de Italia que está supeditando su voto a la directiva DD a otra legislación en materia de envases… parece un mercadillo :-/


De: Amaya Acero [mailto:aacero@observatoriorsc.org]


Por información sobre la postura de Italia


DUE DILIGENCE VOTE PUSHED TO FRIDAY: The oft-delayed vote on the bloc’s controversial business supply chain rules, initially scheduled for Wednesday, has been pushed to Friday, according to the latest meeting agenda. It now falls on the same day as the vote on EU packaging rules.

Renewed push for adoption: The Commission, the Belgian presidency and MEPs from the Socialists & Democrats, the Greens and The Left all renewed their call for member countries to approve the supply chain rules in a plenary debate Tuesday evening. Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders stressed the rules will not overly burden SMEs — a concern voiced last week by Italy — while S&D MEP Lara Wolters, who leads work on the file, likened the Council to a groom forcing his bride to wait at the altar while he makes demands in exchange for marrying her. Center-right and conservative lawmakers reiterated their concerns about the burdens on industry.

Seeing an opening: Italy — one of the key holdouts on the supply chain rules — has linked its demands on the packaging legislation to its support for the due diligence file. The country has already won a lot of ground on packaging: In the final deal on the new rules, it secured exemptions from reusable packaging targets for companies in countries with high recycling rates (i.e. Italy itself) and managed to ensure that a ban on single-use packaging applies only to plastic, not paper, packaging.

But Italian Business Minister Adolfo Urso thinks the text can be further “improved,” telling Euractiv last week that “some steps forward have been taken and […] can continue to be taken.” He linked those “improvements” to Italy’s potential endorsement of supply chain rules if they too are tweaked to its liking.
