Bon dia,
Gràcies, Nicola!
Tal com vam comentar ahir, us envio per aquí:
- Enllaç [11]al llibre digital d'Acceptem el Repte, iniciativa organitzada al Fòrum Social Mundial de les Economies Transformadores (FSMET), que recull algunes bones pràctiques responent als reptes que van definir-se.
- L'arbre de la Economia Social i Solidària [12] elaborat pel Jordi Garcia, per si ens pogués servir d'alguna manera per articular les bones pràctiques que anem recollint.
Una abraçada,
El 2024-09-26 15:43, Nicola Scherer va escriure:
Si us heu quedat amb la pregunta de que parlava avui a la reunió sobre la Conferencia de Nacions Unides en juliol a Sevilla, podeu participar en aquesta trobada online on ens expliquen de va tot plegat ;-)
Dimarts 1/10/2024 de 10:00-11:30h aqui: https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFqu... [1]
-- Nicola Scherer · Investigació i gestió de projectes Observatori del Deute en la Globalització ODG @twitt_odg [2] · www.odg.cat [3] · Avís legal i protecció de dades [4] mòbil +34 722 533 507 · oficina +34 93 301 17 93
-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
ASUNTO: European Coordination Meeting on FfD4 - 1 October 10 am CEST
FECHA: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 12:55:13 +0200
DE: Jean Saldanha jsaldanha@eurodad.org
PARA: eurodad-members@googlegroups.com
Dear friends,
Eurodad is excited to invite you to participate in an European Coordination Meeting on the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) on October 1st from 10 to 11.30am CEST (online/zoom). The meeting aims to bring together Eurodad members and other European organisations and networks interested in participating in the process towards the FfD4 conference in Sevilla (Spain) in mid-2025, which is key to shape a global narrative and the normative framework on global economic governance. Specifically, the meeting will be a key opportunity to share information about the process, coordinate strategies, and align policy messages to influence the process both at the national and global levels. The meeting will cover different FfD thematic areas, notably: international development cooperation, debt, private finance, tax and systemic issues, such as international financial architecture reform. Please note that the meeting is intended for European CSOs to coordinate at a European level. Please register here [1].
Draft Agenda
Introduction to FfD, political context and the 4th Conference in Sevilla
Share agreed positions in different thematic areas (Debt, IDC, Private Finance, Systemic issues - IFIs & IFA reform-, and Tax
Open discussion on plans and Q&A
Date: October 1st, 10 to 11.30 am
Zoom registration link: https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFqu... [1]
Best regards,
Iolanda, Maria José and Tove --
Policy and Advocacy Manager - Debt Justice
+34 678 29 69 79
eurodad.org [8]
Rue d'Edimbourg 18-26, 1050 Brussels
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_Do you want to stay up to date with our work and events? __Sign up to our newsletter [9]__. _
-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Eurodad Members" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to eurodad-members+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eurodad-members/CAGc9E2TG%3D-%3D0wwW%3DHFj... [10]. _______________________________________________ Grupjeg mailing list -- grupjeg@grups.pangea.org To unsubscribe send an email to grupjeg-leave@grups.pangea.org
Links: ------ [1] https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFqu... [2] https://twitter.com/twitt_odg [3] http://www.odg.cat/ [4] https://odg.cat/legal-dades-correu/ [5] https://www.facebook.com/Eurodad/ [6] https://twitter.com/eurodad [7] https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurodad/ [8] https://eurodad.org/ [9] https://www.eurodad.org/subscribe [10] https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eurodad-members/CAGc9E2TG%3D-%3D0wwW%3DHFj... [11] https://view.genially.com/5fca5e4d185a0d0d977c785b/presentation-fsmet-castel... [12] https://www.economiasolidaria.org/noticias/xes-xarxa-deconomia-solidaria-de-...