27 Sep
27 Sep
1:24 p.m.
I la conferència internacional sobre justícia econòmica global https://www.eurodad.org/eurodad_s_international_conference_2025, de la que vam parlar, es el 29/01 i 30/01/2025 a Barcelona (crec que vaig dir 28/01, sorry).
*Nicola Scherer · Investigació i gestió de projectes*
*Observatori del Deute en la Globalització ODG*
@twitt_odg https://twitter.com/twitt_odg · www.odg.cat
http://www.odg.cat/ · Avís legal i protecció de dades
mòbil +34 722 533 507 · oficina +34 93 301 17 93
El 26/09/2024 a las 15:43, Nicola Scherer escribió:
> Hola,
> Si us heu quedat amb la pregunta de que parlava avui a la reunió sobre
> la Conferencia de Nacions Unides en juliol a Sevilla, podeu participar
> en aquesta trobada online on ens expliquen de va tot plegat ;-)
> Dimarts 1/10/2024 de 10:00-11:30h
> aqui:https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFqu...
> https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFquQAFPl
> Petons,
> --
> *Nicola Scherer · Investigació i gestió de projectes*
> *Observatori del Deute en la Globalització ODG*
> @twitt_odg https://twitter.com/twitt_odg · www.odg.cat
> http://www.odg.cat/ · Avís legal i protecció de dades
> https://odg.cat/legal-dades-correu/
> mòbil +34 722 533 507 · oficina +34 93 301 17 93
> -------- Mensaje reenviado --------
> Asunto: European Coordination Meeting on FfD4 - 1 October 10 am CEST
> Fecha: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 12:55:13 +0200
> De: Jean Saldanha jsaldanha@eurodad.org
> Para: eurodad-members@googlegroups.com
> Dear friends,
> Eurodad is excited to invite you to participate in an European
> Coordination Meeting on the 4th International Conference on Financing
> for Development (FfD4) on October 1st from 10 to 11.30am CEST
> (online/zoom). The meeting aims to bring together Eurodad members and
> other European organisations and networks interested in participating
> in the process towards the FfD4 conference in Sevilla (Spain) in
> mid-2025, which is key to shape a global narrative and the normative
> framework on global economic governance. Specifically, the meeting
> will be a key opportunity to share information about the process,
> coordinate strategies, and align policy messages to influence the
> process both at the national and global levels. The meeting will cover
> different FfD thematic areas, notably: international development
> cooperation, debt, private finance, tax and systemic issues, such as
> international financial architecture reform. Please note that the
> meeting is intended for European CSOs to coordinate at a European
> level. Please register here
> https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFquQAFPl.
> Draft Agenda
> *
> Introduction to FfD, political context and the 4th Conference in
> Sevilla
> *
> Share agreed positions in different thematic areas (Debt, IDC,
> Private Finance, Systemic issues - IFIs & IFA reform-, and Tax
> *
> Open discussion on plans and Q&A
> Date: October 1st, 10 to 11.30 am
> Zoom registration link:
> https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFqu...
> https://eurodad-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduqopjIjGtekRdBS78ERF-9iFquQAFPl
> Best regards,
> Iolanda, Maria José and Tove
> --
> facebook https://www.facebook.com/Eurodad/
> twitter https://twitter.com/eurodad
> linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurodad/
> Iolanda Fresnillo
> Policy and Advocacy Manager - Debt Justice
> Eurodad
> (she/her)
> +34 678 29 69 79
> ifresnillo@eurodad.org
> eurodad.org https://eurodad.org/
> Rue d'Edimbourg 18-26, 1050 Brussels
> /*Please consider the environment before printing.*/
> /Do you want to stay up to date with our work and events? //Sign up to
> our newsletter https://www.eurodad.org/subscribe//. /
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Eurodad Members" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to eurodad-members+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eurodad-members/CAGc9E2TG%3D-%3D0wwW%3DHFj...
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/eurodad-members/CAGc9E2TG%3D-%3D0wwW%3DHFjKxxY5u6WVpNqxme_%2BpmsUH2%3DAG2nHhg%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer.
*Nicola Scherer · Investigació i gestió de projectes*
*Observatori del Deute en la Globalització ODG*
@twitt_odg https://twitter.com/twitt_odg · www.odg.cat
http://www.odg.cat/ · Avís legal i protecció de dades
mòbil +34 722 533 507 · oficina +34 93 301 17 93