Gracias Maribel! Va a estar movida la vuelta al cole :)
Quique Sánchez Ochoa
*Tècnic de projectes* *Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau **/ **IPB-GCOMS* qsanchez@centredelas.org 93 441 19 47 - 635 989 645
www.centredelas.org www.demilitarize.org www.bancaarmada.org www.pacifist.app
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Missatge de cbuenoparra@gmail.com cbuenoparra@gmail.com del dia dc., 22 de maig 2024 a les 20:46:
Gracias Maribel.
En martes, 21 de mayo de 2024, 18:12:42 CEST, Maribel Hernández - ALIANZA POR EL DESARME NUCLEAR maribel@desarmenuclear.org escribió:
Os comparto esto para vuestra información
-- Maribel Hernández Coordinadora maribel@desarmenuclear.org Tel. +34 686160028
https://desarmenuclear.org https://desarmenuclear.org https://desarmenuclear.org https://desarmenuclear.org
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
*De: *"'Susi Snyder' via ICAN Campaigners" < ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com> *Asunto: **[ICAN] Important update on the dates for the Week of Action on Nuclear Spending!* *Fecha: *21 de mayo de 2024, 17:00:42 CEST *Para: *ICAN Campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com *Responder a: *susi@icanw.org
Hi everybody,
We wanted to inform you of an important but hopefully understandable decision: we’re postponing the week of action until September 16-22.
At the moment, Lucero and I are worried that these dates are just not a good fit for most partners across the world. We can tell by the very few events that were posted on the calendar that this isn’t the right timing. Based on our experience from previous days of action, we would be hearing much more by now. We have also heard concerns from some partners around the world about the timing of this week because agendas are full, and a half-scale week of action is not the show of power we are after. ICAN is strong and we should make sure that we look that way when we’ve got a global action happening.
With that in mind, and the realisation that an easy to explain external hook makes it more exciting, we decided to shift until September- the week leading up to the Summit for the Future & UN High Level Week, September 16-22.
This way, when governments come together at the UN to talk about the world’s problems and how they’re going to fix them- we can answer the question of how to pay for it all by talking about the billions wasted on nuclear weapons. In fact, what we want to do is reach out across all areas of our, and our partner’s work, and facilitate a global “billion dollar brainstorm” to talk about what we could do with this money instead of paying for weapons of mass destruction.
These new dates also give us a chance to connect with our friends and colleagues connecting https://climatemilitarism.org/weekofaction/ the dots between climate and militarism, and offer a bold alternative to a nuclear arms race on the International Day of Peace. It also coincides with a period in which many countries are starting to have conversations about their 2025 budgets, opening opportunities for local action and parliamentary questions about the costs of nuclear deterrence. This window also gives us a few more months to prepare and get even more partners on board with concrete actions.
We will still publish our annual report on Global nuclear weapons spending on 17 June, and highlight the actions and efforts taking place over the next months to draw attention to the money side of the nuclear weapons problem.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to either of us, or you are welcome to join the regularly scheduled ICAN-Divest call on Thursday, 23 May, to talk more.
Early edition at 07:00 GMT https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ICAN+Divest+call&iso=20240411T09&p1=1310 at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88451709039?pwd=UndKV0VOUzBVaU1oOEl6emlJS25sUT09
Late edition at 19:00 GMT https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ICAN+Divest+call&iso=20240411T21&p1=1310 at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88020167582?pwd=ZXk5cXNDeHQ5N2lMYThRa3ZnM042Zz09
Thanks for your understanding and support!
Best wishes
Susi & Lucero
*Susi Snyder* *Programme Coordinator*
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons +31 6 5545 5909 Book a meeting https://calendly.com/susisnyder
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