Thanks so much everyone, especially to Jean-Marie and Juliane for their hard work.
PAX is also happy to endorse this statement.
All the best,
Van: <>
Namens Hasse Schneidermann
Verzonden: donderdag 6 maart 2025 16:08
Aan: 'Tuva Krogh Widskjold' <>; 'Richard Outram' <>
CC: 'janet fenton' <>; 'Jean-Marie Collin' <>;;
Onderwerp: SV: [ICAN-Europe] Draft Statement From ICAN partner Organization - Europe
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Dear Friends
Thank You.
Please add Forbyd Atomvåben - ICAN in Denmark on the resolution
All my best
Hasse Schneidermann
+45 2333 4460
Fra: <>
På vegne af Tuva Krogh Widskjold
Sendt: 6. marts 2025 12:59
Til: Richard Outram <>
Cc: janet fenton <>; Jean-Marie Collin <>;;
Emne: Re: [ICAN-Europe] Draft Statement From ICAN partner Organization - Europe
Dear Juliane and Jean-Marie,
Thank you so much for both the initiative and for all the work you've put into the statement!
ICAN Norway and IPPNW Norway endorse the statement.
On Thu, Mar 6, 2025 at 4:27 AM 'Richard Outram' via ICAN Europe+ <> wrote:
Dear Friends, The UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities will be honoured to endorse the final statement and to disseminate it to our contacts once the final version is agreed and issued.
In Peace,
Richard Outram, BA (Hons),
Secretary, UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities and
Secretary, UK/Ireland Mayors for Peace Chapter,
C/o City Policy, Manchester City Council
Mobile: +44 (0) 7583 097793
Website: and
Please note that as of 8 Jan 2024, my working days will be Tuesday to Friday
From: 'janet fenton' via ICAN Europe+ <>
Sent: 06 March 2025 03:26
To: Jean-Marie Collin <>;
Subject: Re: [ICAN-Europe] Draft Statement From ICAN partner Organization - Europe
ALERT This message originated outside of the Manchester City Council network. BE CAUTIOUS before clicking any links or opening any attachments. Please remember your Cyber Training and report anything suspicious.
I have offered suggestions to address the note from Florian and avoiding speaking to the NAS at the TPNW MSP , instead just speakingto the TPNW member states. I'm not sure if this works in the googledoc, so I have attached my suggested text. Since we are in the business of debunking the term nuclear detterrence, I dont think we should give it the dignity of being a real concept so changed those references a wee bit too.
I hope this is helpful, at such a late stage;
Whio was the person from Austria who mentioned the UK Rethinking Security network? Secure Scotland is part of that so it would be useful to connect.
On 06/03/2025 00:43, 'Jean-Marie Collin' via ICAN Europe+ wrote:
Dear All,
With Juliane we realize some correction.
Please let us know what you think, and as Florian said it's a statement therefore we address the state parties at some points.
For a press release we will have to do some mini correction.
Juliane and Jean-Marie
Jean-Marie Collin
Directeur de ICAN FRANCE, organisation prix Nobel de la Paix 2017 P: +33 (0)6 37 94 62 41 T: @jmc_nonukes
English latest publications:
- C. Maia, J.-M. Collin (eds.), Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Visions of a Plural World, April 2021
- Africa's desert carry its nuclear history, Inkstick media, May 2021
- Radioactivity Under the Sand-Analysis with regard to the TPNW, June 2020
- The flawed logic of the French nuclear warning, June 2020
Dernières publications en français:
- Podcast - Clichés : « Le droit du nucléaire », La Croix Rouge France
- Revue Militaire suisse, « État des forces et future de la dissuasion nucléaire de la France », juin 2022.
- "Déchets nucléaires militaires : la face cachée de la bombe atomique française", ICAN France/Observatoire des armements, décembre 2021.
- Le Royaume-Uni ouvre la voie de la prolifération nucléaire, mars 2021
- Essai nucléaire, un tabou levé par les Etats-Unis?, août 2020
- La France, sa bombe et la culture stratégique européenne, décembre 2019
- Transparence et désarmement nucléaire, décembre 2019
- Le Traité sur l'Interdiction des Armes Nucléaires, avril 2019
Le 5 mars 2025 à 17:11, 'Florian Eblenkamp' via ICAN Europe+ <> a écrit :
Dear all,
Thank you for the comments and the statement. Great to see how quickly this came together.
One thing that I would like to urge everyone to keep in mind is that the statements presented to the 3MSP should address the TPNW member states. I obviously share the frustration about this political discussion taking place but we need to distinguish press releases from MSP statements.
On 5 Mar 2025, at 16:46, Francesco Vignarca - Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo <> wrote:
Dear friends
Thank you for all your work (especially to Jean-Marie for starting the process): we agree on the drafted text and we will provide italian translation and dissemination as soon as we jointly decide when to go public
Francesco Vignarca
Coordinatore Campagne - Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo
Campaigns Coordinator - Italian Peace and Disarmament Network
+39 328 3399267
Il giorno 5 mar 2025, alle ore 13:23, 'Jean-Marie Collin' via ICAN Europe+ <> ha scritto:
Dear all,
As we said this morning
1/Please find with this link a draft for our statement.
It's a draft, so if you think its too long, something is messing, something is not correct, please feel free to change. I know we can all of us write 3 page, so its kind of normal if some ideas/exemple are missing
The best will be that everybody look at it /add before 4.30 pm today.
Like that, we will have time to be definitively agree on the statement, for this evening.
2/ I’m going to see Anette to see if we can speak tomorrow
3/ We will do a specific zoom in 2 weeks (max) on "European Security » to prepare joint advocacy actions.
Thank you
Jean-Marie Collin
Directeur de ICAN FRANCE, organisation prix Nobel de la Paix 2017 P: +33 (0)6 37 94 62 41 T: @jmc_nonukes
English latest publications:
- C. Maia, J.-M. Collin (eds.), Nuclear Weapons and International Law: Visions of a Plural World, April 2021
- Africa's desert carry its nuclear history, Inkstick media, May 2021
- Radioactivity Under the Sand-Analysis with regard to the TPNW, June 2020
- The flawed logic of the French nuclear warning, June 2020
Dernières publications en français:
- Podcast - Clichés : « Le droit du nucléaire », La Croix Rouge France
- Revue Militaire suisse, « État des forces et future de la dissuasion nucléaire de la France », juin 2022.
- "Déchets nucléaires militaires : la face cachée de la bombe atomique française", ICAN France/Observatoire des armements, décembre 2021.
- Le Royaume-Uni ouvre la voie de la prolifération nucléaire, mars 2021
- Essai nucléaire, un tabou levé par les Etats-Unis?, août 2020
- La France, sa bombe et la culture stratégique européenne, décembre 2019
- Transparence et désarmement nucléaire, décembre 2019
- Le Traité sur l'Interdiction des Armes Nucléaires, avril 2019
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Florian Eblenkamp
Advocacy Officer
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Tel: +41779761421 |
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Janet Fenton (WhatsApp or phone 07795594573)--
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