Bon dia!

¡Muchas gracias, Maribel!

Hoy también salen las cifras del SIPRI sobre armas nucleares. Adjunto su comunicado de prensa por si os es de utilidad.



Lourdes Vergés Rebordosa
Àrea de comunicació i premsa
FundiPau (Fundació per la pau)
Espai d'entitats c/ Erasme de Janer, 8
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El 2024-06-17 10:05, Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear va escriure:

Bon dia!
Acaba de salir el informe de gasto nuclear en 2023. Os paso el correo de campaigners y unos posts para redes traducidos al castellano. En la Alianza lo publicaremos después de nuestra reunión, a las 12 de hoy, podéis compartir o publicar también en vuestras redes.


Maribel Hernández
Tel. +34 686160028  

Inicio del mensaje reenviado:

De: "'Susi Snyder' via ICAN Campaigners" <>
Asunto: [ICAN] $2,898 per second. That's how much the nuclear-armed countries spent on nuclear weapons last year
Fecha: 17 de junio de 2024, 9:03:56 CEST
Para: ICAN Campaigners <>
Responder a:

Dear campaigners, 

ICAN released its fifth annual report on nuclear weapon spending today: "Surge: 2023 Global Nuclear Weapons Spending".

Here's what you need to know:

Country Spending in 2023
  • China $11,850,032,735- $376/second
  • France $6,060,606,061 - $192/ second
  • India $2,657,874,340 - $84/second
  • Israel $1,090,804,771 - $35/second
  • North Korea $856,333,333 - $27/second
  • Pakistan $1,011,005,630 - $32/ second
  • Russia $8,308,544,638 - $263/second
  • United Kingdom $8,058,218,532 - $256/ second
  • United States $51,500,000,000 - $1,633/second

For a total of $91,393,420,041 - $2,898/ second spent on nuclear weapons in 2023

It's $10.8 billion more than in 2022. The United States spent more than all of the other nuclear-armed states combined and showed the biggest one-year increase to $51.5 billion. China was next in line, with spending of $11.9 billion and Russia spent $8.3 billion.

The report also shows that total nuclear weapons spending in the last five years was more than $387 billion, more than what the World Food Programme estimates it would take to end world hunger.

Of that, companies got about 30% of all spending, and turned around to hire at least 450 lobbyists as well as provide financing for major think tanks to influence the nuclear debate. 

There are a billion other things this money can go to-  and it's why we're doing the 16-22 September Week of Action.  We're going to have a call- (two calls, one early, one late) on 20 June to talk about the Week and hear from partners about the ways they're organising to say No Money for Nuclear Weapons.  Will you join us?  (RSVP here)

Best wishes,
Susi & Alicia

Susi Snyder
Programme Coordinator
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
+31 6 5545 5909
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