Maravilloso, Maribel!!! Qué bien que estés ahí representándonos!!! 😊
De: Maribel Hernández maribel.hernandez@periodistes.org Enviado el: jueves, 18 de julio de 2024 11:51 Para: Quique Sánchez Ochoa qsanchez@centredelas.org CC: Alianza para el Desarme Nuclear grupomotor@desarmenuclear.org Asunto: [Grupo Motor] Re: Fwd: Call for Peace Wave actions & Save the dates for 2024 World Conference
El 18 jul 2024, a las 11:39, Quique Sánchez Ochoa <qsanchez@centredelas.org mailto:qsanchez@centredelas.org > escribió:
Molt bé Maribel!! 👏
Quique Sánchez Ochoa
Tècnic de projectes
Centre Delàs d'Estudis per la Pau
qsanchez@centredelas.org mailto:qsanchez@centredelas.org
Carrer Bisbe Laguarda 4, baixos, local 2.
Barcelona, 08001
93 441 19 47 - 635 989 645
www.centredelas.org http://www.centredelas.org www.demilitarize.org http://www.demilitarize.org www.bancaarmada.org http://www.bancaarmada.org www.pacifist.app http://www.pacifist.app
La informació continguda a aquest missatge és reservada i està prohibida la seva utilització o divulgació per a altres finalitats, en compliment de la LOPD, la LSSI i la normativa de seguretat vigent. Si per error heu rebut aquest correu electrònic, si us plau feu-nos-ho saber i elimineu-lo a continuació.
---------- Forwarded message --------- De: antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp <antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp mailto:antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp > Date: dj., 18 de jul. 2024 a les 5:43 Subject: Call for Peace Wave actions & Save the dates for 2024 World Conference To: antiatom <antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp mailto:antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp >
Let's take Peace Wave actions on August 3 - 9!
Dear friends,
We call on you to organize Peace Wave actions on Aug. 3 to 9 in commemoration of the Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic bombing and for a total ban and elimination of nuclear weapons. If you have action plans, please let us know. We will make a list of actions. Your actions are urgently needed when nuclear crisis is imminent.The Hibakusha's desire is to see nuclear weapons eliminated in their life time.
The Peace Wave actions will be organized in parallel with the World Conference against A and H Bombs, which will take place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug. 3-9. If you are by chance in Japan, please join us, and you can join the conference online, too.
Let's join the 2024 World Conference against A & H Bombs online. The following is the update program of the World Conference (Zoom links will be announced later). :
Update Program: 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs (As of July 18, 2024)
Main Theme:
With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World – for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet
Conference Schedule:
August 3 (Sat): International Meeting -- Opening Session, Session I, II and III –(Hiroshima JA Building) August 4 (Sun): International Meeting – Closing Session (Hiroshima JA Building) Opening Plenary, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs - Hiroshima (Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center) August 5 (Mon): Forums/ Workshops/ Field trips (different venues in Hiroshima City) August 6 (Tue): Closing Plenary/ Hiroshima Day Rally, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs August 7 (Wed): Move to Nagasaki August 8 (Thu) Exchange Forum between Overseas Delegates and Citizens (TBC, Nagasaki) August 9 (Fri) Nagasaki Day Rally, 2024 World Conference - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium)
August 3 (Saturday)
International Meeting:
Opening Session (10:00-10:30 JST) : - Opening remarks; Introduction of overseas delegates; Appointment of Chairpersons - Address of the Organizer - Presentation of messages of solidarity (Heads of states, Hiroshima/Nagasaki mayors)
Session I: Making Hibakusha’s voices heard all over the world (10:30 – 13:00 JST):
Introductory speakers:
(1) Reports from the Hibakusha on the A-Bomb damage and sufferings; current situation and demands of the Hibakusha; achievement and challenges of the Hibakusha movements and their appeal the world: - Kido Sueichi, Secretary General, Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo)/ Nagasaki survivor - Park Jyongsong, Busan Branch, Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association/ Hiroshima survivor
(2) Unsolved problems & struggles of Hibakusha: “Black Rain” victims’ struggle and achievement; their message to the world: - Takato Seiji, Leader of the Plaintiffs, 2nd Black Rain Lawsuit, Hiroshima - Oya Masato, Professor emeritus, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science
(3) Victims of the Bikini H-bomb test (voices of the unattended/hidden Hibakusha): - Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Former Senator/ Representative of Rongelap Islanders, Republic of the Marshall Islands - Hashimoto Yoichi, Deputy Director, Pacific Nuclear Disaster Assistance Center, Kochi, Japan
(4) Article 6 & 7 of the TPWN and the task of supporting the Hibakusha: - Thomas Hajnoczi, Ambassador (retired), Austria/ Specialist in international law
Session II: Achieving a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world (14:00-16:20 JST)
Introductory speakers:
(1) Movements in nuclear-armed and dependent countries: - Joseph Gerson, President, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, USA - Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK - Maribel Hernández, Coordinator, Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, Spain - Lee Jun Kyu, Senior Researcher, Institute for Unification and Peace Policy, Hanshin University, ROK - Yasui Masakazu, Secretary General, Gensuikyo
(2) Defeating nuclear deterrence: TBC
Session III: Solidarity and joint efforts/movements of civil society (16:30-19:00 JST)
Introductory speakers:
- USA: Rex Alex, State University of New York – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (SUNY-BDS) - Russia: Oleg Bodrov, President, Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland - Roland Nivet, French Peace Movement - Sean Conner, Director General, International Peace Bureau - Chisaka Jun, Secretary General, Japan Peace Committee
August 4 (Sunday)
Closing Session, International Meeting (10:00-11:00 JST, Hiroshima JA Building)
- Reports on the Scientists Forum - Adoption of the “Declaration of the International Meeting”
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Hiroshima
Opening Plenary 14:00-16:30 JST, Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center
Opening remarks Introduction of overseas delegates Presentation of delegates from around Japan Keynote report by the organizer: Tomida Koji, Chair of the Drafting Committee Greetings from Hiroshima Mayor (TBC) Greetings from the representative of the Hibakusha: Tanaka Terumi, Co-Chair, Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) Greetings from the representatives of national governments: - Alexander Kmentt, Ambassador/Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and Nonproliferation Dept., Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Austria (by video) - Representative of the Indonesian Embassy in Japan Greetings from parliamentarians/political parties; Messages Session 1: Prohibition of nuclear weapons; Achieving a world free of nuclear weapons; People’s struggles in nuclear-armed states and nuclear dependent countries: - Joseph Gerson, Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, USA - Kate Hudson, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, UK - Eum Mikyung, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, ROK - Oleg Bodrov, Public Council of the Southern Coast of the Gulf of Finland, Russia - Duong Thi Nga, Vietnam Peace Committee Session 2: Achieving a Japan to join the TPNW – Presentation of grass-roots struggles: - Peace Marchers
August 6 (Tuesday)
Closing Plenary/ Hiroshima Day Rally
10:30-13:00 JST, Green Arena, Hiroshima Prefectural Sports Center
Program: Messages from national/local governments Greetings of solidarity/ Messages from civil society: - Nakazono Kenji, President, Nihon Seinendan Youth Council Greetings from guests (governments): - Nakamitsu Izumi, UN Under-Secretary-General/ High Representatives for Disarmament Affairs - Mexico: - Kurmanseit Batyrkhan, Minister, Embassy of Kazakhstan in Japan - Tsujino Koichiro, Former CEO of Google-Japan Greetings from parliamentarians/political parties - Tamura Tomoko, Chairperson, Japanese Communist Party/ Member of the House of Councilors - Kushibuchi Mari, Co-Chair, Reiwa Shinsengumi/ Member of the House of Representatives Special program: “Let’s convey Hibakusha’s voices across the world” - Film “A Mother’s Prayer” - Sakuma Kunihiko, Director General, Hiroshima Council of A-Bomb Survivors - Park Jyongsong, Busan Branch, Korean A-Bomb Casualty Association - Abacca Anjain-Maddison, Former Senator/ Representative of Rongelap Islanders, Republic of the Marshall Islands Speeches by overseas delegates: - Rex Alex, State University of New York – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (SUNY-BDS) - Maribel Hernández Sanchez , Coordinator, Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament - Melissa Parke, Executive Director, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) Determination of Japanese delegates: Proposal and adoption of the conference statement
2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs - Nagasaki
August 9 (Friday)
Nagasaki Day Rally
10:30-13:00 JST, Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium
Program: Opening remarks Keynote report by the organizer: Tomida Koji, Chair of the Drafting Committee of the “Declaration of the International Meeting” Messages from national/local governments Greetings from Nagasaki Mayor Minute of silence Greetings and messages from representatives of political parties/parliamentarians Appeal of the Hibakusha: Kido Sueichi, Secretary General, Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) Session 1: Prohibition of nuclear weapons; Achieving a world free of nuclear weapons; People’s struggles in nuclear-armed and dependent countries - Keith/Suzanne Blackburn, Genesee Valley Citizens for Peace (GVCP), USA - French Peace Movement - Solidarity for Peace and Reunification of Korea (SPARK) - Corazon Fabros, Co-President, International Peace Bureau (IPB) Special program: “Let’s convey Hibakusha’s voices across the world” Session 2: Achieving a Japan to join the TPNW – Presentation of grass-roots struggles Greetings from national government representative: Dairon Ojeda, First Secretary, Embassy of Cuba in Japan Proposal and adoption of the conference statement
Japan Council against A and H Bombs (Gensuikyo) :
Tel: +81-3-5842-6034 Fax: +81-3-5842-6033 Email: antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp mailto:antiatom@topaz.plala.or.jp
Heiwa-to-Rodo-Center 6F, 2-4-4, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8464 JAPAN
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_______________________________________________ Lista de correo Grupo Motor Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear -- grupomotor-desarmenuclear@grups.pangea.org mailto:grupomotor-desarmenuclear@grups.pangea.org Para desuscribirse envíe un email a grupomotor-desarmenuclear-leave@grups.pangea.org mailto:grupomotor-desarmenuclear-leave@grups.pangea.org