Os compartimos esta carta sobre una acción en la que vamos a participar Alternativa Antimilitarista - Desarma Madrid y Mujeres de Negro de Madrid por si creéis que se puede apoyar desde Alianza. 

En otro correo os enviamos la acción completa.

Un abrazo,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: yolajb EducaRueca <yolajb@gmail.com>
Date: mié, 3 jul 2024, 10:00
Subject: Fwd: Letter being sent to Lakenheath base commanders with your organisation name on it unless you respond by 7th July
To: <educarueca@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Angie Zelter LAP <lap@gn.apc.org>
Date: mar, 2 jul 2024, 19:44
Subject: Letter being sent to Lakenheath base commanders with your organisation name on it unless you respond by 7th July
To: Lap Angie <lap@gn.apc.org>

Dear All,

We are assuming that you are willing to have your organisation listed at the bottom of the attached letter to the Base Commanders of USAF Lakenheath. Please let me know by Sunday 7th July at the latest if this is not the case. Thanking you for your support, love and peace, Angie Zelter, for LAP.

Love and peace, Angie Zelter.