---------- Forwarded message --------- De: Angie Zelter lap@gn.apc.org Date: lun, 1 abr 2024 a las 18:58 Subject: invite to the UK in July To: Yolanda yolajb@gmail.com, lap lap@gn.apc.org
Hi Yolanda, I hope all is well with you in these terrible times with so many issues to work on ......... I wanted to invite you and your peace friends to our International peace camp at Lakenheath. Please see message below that you might be able to forward to your networks. It would be great to have you with us and any others from your extensive network. Love Angie (Zelter) for Lakenheath Alliance for Peace..
*We need you at our international peace camp from 13 to 25th July 2024.*
Good news! The Lakenheath Alliance for Peace was successfully launched on Tuesday 26th March 2024 when 12 of us put up our banners at the main gate of USAF (RAF) Lakenheath. We did an interview with Anglia TV and then the men stayed to look after the banners and 8 women walked up to the gates, refusing to go back behind the ‘white line’ drawn on the access road until we were able to deliver our letters to the Base Commanders. After almost an hour of waiting and talking to the American guards and British MoD police and politely but firmly refusing to move, along came Squadron Leader Stewart Geary. He read our letter https://lakenheathallianceforpeace.org.uk/2024/03/23/letter-to-base-commande... carefully and said he would pass it on to the 2 US Commanders and would make sure we received a reply. We all felt it was a good start to our campaign, showing our strength and commitment to dialogue and nonviolence.
We then did a quick recce around the base to look at possible camping sites for the summer camp. There were a large number of plane spotters taking pictures of all the planes noisily flying in and out of the base. We were reminded of how much fuel is being wasted every day on all these flights and of the war/climate nexus.
We now have a good group of local people based in Norfolk and Suffolk working together with members of 14 plus organisations who have agreed to support LAP. See https://lakenheathallianceforpeace.org.uk/about-us/alliance-organisations/
We all agreed on the dates for our summer peace camp. We will start on Saturday 13th July in the centre of Norwich at the Town Hall and begin a walk/bike over 3 days to USAF Lakenheath and start the camp when we arrive on Monday 15th July. There will be inside accommodation as well as camping nearby and a continuous presence at the base throughout until the end of the camp on 25th July. Please contact us and let us know if you can come along and support in any way possible on the walk and/or camp. You can sign up at https://lakenheathallianceforpeace.org.uk/2024/03/16/sign-up/
If you know of any organisations that would like to join the alliance then you can use the attached Appeal.
Love Angie, LAP. lap lap@gn.apc.org lap@gn.apc.org