Bona tarda!
Seguro que muchos ya lo habéis recibido, pero por si acaso, reenvío esta excelente pieza de opinión multimedia publicada en el NY Times sobre los efectos de las pruebas nucleares. Es espectacular.
El texto previo al enlace dice: Durante la 2ª Reunión de Estados Parte, Alicia nos puso en contacto a muchos de los que trabajamos en torno a los artículos 6 y 7 (del TPAN) con Spencer Cohen, del New York Times. Hoy, los miembros de ICAN de las comunidades afectadas aparecen en un artículo de opinión multimedia.
Lourdes Vergés Rebordosa Àrea de comunicació i premsa FundiPau (Fundació per la pau) Espai d'entitats c/ Erasme de Janer, 8 08001 Barcelona 93 302 51 29 - www.fundipau.org [1] [1] [2] [3] [4] -------------------------
-------- Missatge Original --------
ASSUMPTE: [ICAN] Nuclear Test Survivors featured in today's New York Times At The Brink
DATA: 2024-06-20 13:39
REMITENT: Kathleen Sullivan disarmament.education@gmail.com
DESTINATARI: ICAN Campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com
RESPON A: disarmament.education@gmail.com
Dear colleagues,
During the 2MSP, Alicia connected many of us working around Articles 6&7 with Spencer Cohen of the New York Times. Today, ICAN members from affected communities are featured in a multi-media opinion piece.
For those of you who are featured in the article -- Aigerim Seitenova, Hinamoeura Morgant-Cross, Adiya Akhmer, Benetick Kabua Maddison and Karina Lester -- and for all who were interviewed for this piece -- Tamatoa Tepuhiarii, Aigerim Yelgeldy, Raygon Jacklick, Kairo Langrus, Aigerim Seitenova, Ereti Tekabaia, Matthew John and Mere Tuilau -- THANK YOU for giving your time and sharing your stories so that others can learn from your suffering and sacrifice and find the motivation to take action for nuclear abolition.
You are the voice of our movement.
In solidarity,
PS -- Aigerim, Hinamoeura and Adiya -- I'm sorry that you are not properly identified at the beginning of the piece. I will write to the Times and ask if they can fix this.