Hi again,
Respecto a lo que os he comentado en la reunión del encuentro que habrá mañana para campaigners con Melissa, la nueva directora de ICAN. Por si os apeteciera, aquí los enlaces de Zoom.
Yo estaré en el de las 21:00 horas.
bss, mb.
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
De: Susi Snyder susi@icanw.org Asunto: [ICAN] Don't forget- Meet Melissa Parke at the all-campaign calls tomorrow! Fecha: 4 de octubre de 2023, 9:00:00 CEST Para: ICAN Campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com Responder a: susi@icanw.org
Hi everyone,
Remember- tomorrow is your chance to meet Melissa Parke, our new ICAN Executive Director.
We’ll have all campaign calls at 9:00 & 21:00 Geneva time (check your time zone here https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) on Thursday 5 October.
Not only will this be an opportunity to speak with Melissa, it will also be a chance to hear the latest plans for the second Meeting of States Parties coming in just a couple of months.
Here are the links: 9:00 Geneva: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84807854894?pwd=WEJaSlBFMHBxK01UVzBuV1MrZERuQT09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84807854894?pwd=WEJaSlBFMHBxK01UVzBuV1MrZERuQT09 21:00 Geneva: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84405863322?pwd=czQ2eGlIZHdKR216L0o1eHIzTHdvUT09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84405863322?pwd=czQ2eGlIZHdKR216L0o1eHIzTHdvUT09 Speak to you soon! Susi
Susi Snyder Programme Coordinator
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons +31 6 5545 5909 Book a meeting https://calendly.com/susisnyder
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