Fwd: [ICAN-Europe] Link to watch: Webinar on nuclear deterrence

Bon dia,
Os comparto el enlace del webinar sobre nuclear deterrence que organizó Mayors for Peace Europa (es decir, nuestras compas de Granollers!). Para acompañar un té o un café y aprender de gente que sabe mucho para luego contarles a nuestros parlamentarians.
-- Maribel Hernández Coordinadora maribel@desarmenuclear.org Tel. +34 686160028
https://desarmenuclear.org/ https://desarmenuclear.org/ https://desarmenuclear.org/
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
De: 'Daniel Högsta' via ICAN Europe+ ican-europe@googlegroups.com Asunto: [ICAN-Europe] Link to watch: Webinar on nuclear deterrence Fecha: 12 de diciembre de 2024, 11:41:56 CET Para: ICAN-Europe ican-europe@googlegroups.com Responder a: Daniel Högsta daniel@icanw.org
Hi everyone,
I know our minds are all still on the Nobel celebrations for Nihon Hidankyo, but I've just received the link for the webinar on deterrence which took place a couple weeks ago and wanted to share it with you since many of you were asking about how to watch it! It was a good (and at times spicy!) discussion.
It's on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9v1V-JZodk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9v1V-JZodk
All the best,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Daniel Högsta <daniel@icanw.org mailto:daniel@icanw.org> Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 11:57 AM Subject: Tomorrow: Webinar on Nuclear Deterrence (at 17:00 GMT+1) To: ICAN Campaigners <ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com mailto:ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com>
Hi everyone,
I'm excited to share information about a webinar tomorrow (28 November) from 17:00 - 18:00 (CET / GMT +1) on nuclear deterrence with some really excellent speakers, many of whom will be familiar to you. It’s organised by Mayors for Peace European Chapter and co-sponsored by IDN and ICAN.
Former Austrian Ambassador (and one of the heroes of the TPNW negotiations) Thomas Hajnoczi, currently with Mayors for Peace European Chapter, will be hosting a really important discussion about whether it is realistic today to base the security of a country on nuclear deterrence. Is it possible to argue that the world has been spared a nuclear war since 1945 due to nuclear deterrence? Could nuclear deterrence fail and what would be the result of such a failure?
The link to register is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yy2CLKrQTu27MbEp7Id9cg#/registra... https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yy2CLKrQTu27MbEp7Id9cg#/registration
Opening remarks from Mayor Matsui of Hiroshima, Marc Finaud of IDN and myself.
Panelists: Dr. Francesca Giovannini, Belfer Center of Harvard University Dr. Benoit Pelopidas, Professor Security Studies at Sciences Po, Paris Dr. Laura Considine, Assoc. Prof. Intl. Politics, Leeds University Dr. Kjölv Egeland, Senior Researcher at NORSAR, Norway
Hope to see many of you there!
All the best,
— Daniel Högsta Deputy Director International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons — Web: www.icanw.org http://www.icanw.org/
-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ICAN Europe+" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to ican-europe+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com mailto:ican-europe+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion, visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ican-europe/CAEktaqC-54QS1T2BviuvHCsfEbnOe... https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ican-europe/CAEktaqC-54QS1T2BviuvHCsfEbnOe%2BU22aK6X2hT8xuKrRbMaA%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer.

Gracias En jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2024, 12:18:47 CET, Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear alianza@desarmenuclear.org escribió:
Bon dia, Os comparto el enlace del webinar sobre nuclear deterrence que organizó Mayors for Peace Europa (es decir, nuestras compas de Granollers!). Para acompañar un té o un café y aprender de gente que sabe mucho para luego contarles a nuestros parlamentarians. bss, --Maribel HernándezCoordinadoramaribel@desarmenuclear.orgTel. +34 686160028
Inicio del mensaje reenviado: De: 'Daniel Högsta' via ICAN Europe+ ican-europe@googlegroups.com Asunto: [ICAN-Europe] Link to watch: Webinar on nuclear deterrence Fecha: 12 de diciembre de 2024, 11:41:56 CET Para: ICAN-Europe ican-europe@googlegroups.com Responder a: Daniel Högsta daniel@icanw.org
Hi everyone, I know our minds are all still on the Nobel celebrations for Nihon Hidankyo, but I've just received the link for the webinar on deterrence which took place a couple weeks ago and wanted to share it with you since many of you were asking about how to watch it! It was a good (and at times spicy!) discussion. It's on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9v1V-JZodk All the best, Daniel ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Daniel Högsta daniel@icanw.org Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 11:57 AM Subject: Tomorrow: Webinar on Nuclear Deterrence (at 17:00 GMT+1) To: ICAN Campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone, I'm excited to share information about a webinar tomorrow (28 November) from 17:00 - 18:00 (CET / GMT +1) on nuclear deterrence with some really excellent speakers, many of whom will be familiar to you. It’s organised by Mayors for Peace European Chapter and co-sponsored by IDN and ICAN. Former Austrian Ambassador (and one of the heroes of the TPNW negotiations) Thomas Hajnoczi, currently with Mayors for Peace European Chapter, will be hosting a really important discussion about whether it is realistic today to base the security of a country on nuclear deterrence. Is it possible to argue that the world has been spared a nuclear war since 1945 due to nuclear deterrence? Could nuclear deterrence fail and what would be the result of such a failure? The link to register is here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yy2CLKrQTu27MbEp7Id9cg#/registra... Opening remarks from Mayor Matsui of Hiroshima, Marc Finaud of IDN and myself. Panelists: Dr. Francesca Giovannini, Belfer Center of Harvard University Dr. Benoit Pelopidas, Professor Security Studies at Sciences Po, Paris Dr. Laura Considine, Assoc. Prof. Intl. Politics, Leeds University Dr. Kjölv Egeland, Senior Researcher at NORSAR, Norway
Hope to see many of you there! All the best, Daniel
— Daniel Högsta Deputy Director International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons — Web: www.icanw.org

Gracias Maribel. Yo pude seguir el webinar y aprendí mucho. Siempre es enriquecedor escuchar voces que desde su "epxertise" analizan y reflexionar sobre un tema fundamental com es la disuasión nuclear. Muy recomendable! Carme
Missatge de cbuenoparra@gmail.com cbuenoparra@gmail.com del dia dj., 12 de des. 2024 a les 12:22:
En jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2024, 12:18:47 CET, Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear alianza@desarmenuclear.org escribió:
Bon dia,
Os comparto el enlace del webinar sobre nuclear deterrence que organizó Mayors for Peace Europa (es decir, nuestras compas de Granollers!). Para acompañar un té o un café y aprender de gente que sabe mucho para luego contarles a nuestros parlamentarians.
-- Maribel Hernández Coordinadora maribel@desarmenuclear.org Tel. +34 686160028
https://desarmenuclear.org https://desarmenuclear.org https://desarmenuclear.org
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
*De: *'Daniel Högsta' via ICAN Europe+ ican-europe@googlegroups.com *Asunto: **[ICAN-Europe] Link to watch: Webinar on nuclear deterrence* *Fecha: *12 de diciembre de 2024, 11:41:56 CET *Para: *ICAN-Europe ican-europe@googlegroups.com *Responder a: *Daniel Högsta daniel@icanw.org
Hi everyone,
I know our minds are all still on the Nobel celebrations for Nihon Hidankyo, but I've just received the link for the webinar on deterrence which took place a couple weeks ago and wanted to share it with you since many of you were asking about how to watch it! It was a good (and at times spicy!) discussion.
It's on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9v1V-JZodk
All the best,
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: *Daniel Högsta* daniel@icanw.org Date: Wed, Nov 27, 2024 at 11:57 AM Subject: Tomorrow: Webinar on Nuclear Deterrence (at 17:00 GMT+1) To: ICAN Campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone,
I'm excited to share information about a webinar *tomorrow (28 November) from 17:00 - 18:00 (CET / GMT +1)* on nuclear deterrence with some really excellent speakers, many of whom will be familiar to you. It’s organised by Mayors for Peace European Chapter and co-sponsored by IDN and ICAN.
Former Austrian Ambassador (and one of the heroes of the TPNW negotiations) Thomas Hajnoczi, currently with Mayors for Peace European Chapter, will be hosting a really important discussion about whether it is realistic today to base the security of a country on nuclear deterrence. Is it possible to argue that the world has been spared a nuclear war since 1945 due to nuclear deterrence? Could nuclear deterrence fail and what would be the result of such a failure?
The link to register is here:
Opening remarks from Mayor Matsui of Hiroshima, Marc Finaud of IDN and myself.
Panelists: Dr. Francesca Giovannini, Belfer Center of Harvard University Dr. Benoit Pelopidas, Professor Security Studies at Sciences Po, Paris Dr. Laura Considine, Assoc. Prof. Intl. Politics, Leeds University Dr. Kjölv Egeland, Senior Researcher at NORSAR, Norway
Hope to see many of you there!
All the best,
— Daniel Högsta Deputy Director *International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons* — Web: www.icanw.org
-- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "ICAN Europe+" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to ican-europe+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. To view this discussion, visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ican-europe/CAEktaqC-54QS1T2BviuvHCsfEbnOe... https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ican-europe/CAEktaqC-54QS1T2BviuvHCsfEbnOe%2BU22aK6X2hT8xuKrRbMaA%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer .
Lista de correo Grupo Motor Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear -- grupomotor-desarmenuclear@grups.pangea.org Para desuscribirse envíe un email a grupomotor-desarmenuclear-leave@grups.pangea.org _______________________________________________ Lista de correo Grupo Motor Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear -- grupomotor-desarmenuclear@grups.pangea.org Para desuscribirse envíe un email a grupomotor-desarmenuclear-leave@grups.pangea.org
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Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear
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