Fwd: [ICAN] Sign on declaration against IAEA nuclear energy summit

Buenas tardes, La noticia de Reuters que Maribel ha compartido en Telegram me ha recordado este correo que os reenvío. En marzo se celebra en Bélgica la primera cumbre sobre energía nuclear con la AEA y el gobierno belga como anfitriones. Nos ha llegado a los miembros de ICAN de parte the Beyond Nuclear, la petición que nos adheramos a la declaración que han preparado, junto a organizaciones de la sociedad civil europeas y de fuera de Europa para exigir una energía segura, asumible económicamente y sostenible. Os parece que nos adheramos? Carme
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Linda Pentz Gunter linda@beyondnuclear.org Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024, 21:59 Subject: [ICAN] Sign on declaration against IAEA nuclear energy summit To: ICAN campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com
On March 21, 2024, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Prime Minister of Belgium will host world leaders and country representatives at the "first ever nuclear energy summit" in Brussels. This follows on the announcement made at the COP28 climate summit last December to triple global nuclear capacity by 2050, an absurd fantasy, too late, too expensive, and which would siphon off precious time and funds away from climate essentials such as renewable energy.
Civil society organizations from across Europe and the world have drafted a statement to demand safe, affordable and climate-friendly energy for all instead. The statement will be released on March 21st. Can your organization sign on?
Read the joint statement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pPQol07GeKd6ezGJ7JHqX9CXHtZa-aRrL_DDOssFWao/edit. Click here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJVwBY00OLYX7aoAWOnqkk5Led22g2Z8BUt_u-dng4lrymcQ/viewform to fill out the form and sign your organization on to the statement no later than March 14, 2024.
You are free to publish the statement with the complete list of organizational signatories on or after March 21.
P.S. If you can be in Brussels on March 21, ping me separately.
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