Fwd: [ICAN] Unmissable Event: Commemorating the 64th Anniversary of 'The Blue Jerboa'

Hi everyone,
Os reenvío esta convocatoria de webinar que parece interesante para que estéis al tanto.
abrazo, -- Maribel Hernández Coordinadora maribel@desarmenuclear.org Tel. +34 686160028
https://desarmenuclear.org/ https://desarmenuclear.org/ https://desarmenuclear.org/
Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
De: Amel Mejri amelmejri.am@gmail.com Asunto: [ICAN] Unmissable Event: Commemorating the 64th Anniversary of 'The Blue Jerboa' Fecha: 5 de febrero de 2024, 20:32:29 CET Para: ICAN Campaigners ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com, Imène HMILI imene.hmili@shoaa.org, Rachid rachid@shoaa.org Responder a: amelmejri.am@gmail.com
Dear All,
We are thrilled to invite you to a riveting event organized by Shoaa that delves into the French nuclear tests in the Algerian Sahara, marking the 64th anniversary of 'The Blue Jerboa,' the first Nuclear Test. This event promises an unprecedented experience as, for the first time, a brave victim from Algeria will share his personal story, offering a unique and human perspective on this historical milestone.
Explore untold narratives, delve into the historical context, and engage in discussions on the lasting impact of 'The Blue Jerboa.' Attached is the concept note and program schedule, providing a comprehensive overview of the webinar's structure. Join us via the Zoom link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89320803707?pwd=bVq75SbaLEyoboHb0knJXmb6gQgWx0.1 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89320803707?pwd=bVq75SbaLEyoboHb0knJXmb6gQgWx0.1
-- Amel El Mejri Institut international pour la démocratie et l'assistance électorale (IDEA) Tél: +216 96 105 742
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