¿Alguien puede asumir esta propuesta y contactar con Mariella?


Ecologistas en Acción
Córdoba ciudad

Casa Ciudadana "David Luque" Ronda del Marrubial, s/n
Teléfono: 957 492 359

-------- Mensaje Original --------

Asunto: Erasmus project
Fecha: 2024-03-02 16:25
De: Mariella Sorrentino <mariella.sorrentino@gmail.com>
Destinatario/a: cordoba.ciudad@ecologistasenaccion.org

Good morning,
Good morning,
I'm an Italian teacher and with my students are coming to Cordoba  on the 13 of April.The aim of our visit is to learn about best practises to promote sustainability. We have read about your associationa amd we would like to meet you  to  learn more about the activities you implement to achieve your goals.
It woukd be really educational for our students to lesrn about your activities.
AWaiting  your kind reply
Best regards
Mariella Sorrentino