Acompañamos la información enviada por Ludger en la que se incluyen los enlaces a* nuevos títulos de libros (en inglés) del Maestro EK en pdf,* presentados y publicados en las últimas Guru Pujas en Visakhapatnam el enero pasado.
-- *Equipo de Comunicación*
Please find here the links to the PDFs of new books of Master EK, which were published at the Guru Pujas in Visakhapatnam, January 2023:
Symbolism of the Scriptures. A Compilation https://worldteachertrust.org/_media/pdf/en/ek/symbolism_of_the_scriptures_a...
The Evolution of the Consciousness of Man https://worldteachertrust.org/_media/pdf/en/ek/the_evolution_of_the_consciou...
The Science of Yoga https://worldteachertrust.org/_media/pdf/en/ek/the_science_of_yoga.pdf
Please note that the discourses of the Master contained in the book "Symbolism of the Scriptures https://worldteachertrust.org/_media/pdf/en/ek/symbolism_of_the_scriptures.pdf" are all different from the lectures in the book with the same title "Symbolism of the Scriptures " published in the volume "Overseas Messages IX". The new book is therefore called "Symbolism of the Scriptures. A Compilation" on the website.
Cordial regards
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